My latest book, Following Jesus: An Illustrated Guide to the Places of the Holy Land according to the Gospel of Mark, will be released soon by Armour Publishing under the STM Series. There will be a launch for the book on September 21 at Luther Centre. More information will follow soon. Tentative selling price is RM75 per copy during the launch for Malaysian market only. The retail price is SGD$36 or RM110. For those of you who would like to have a preview of the book, please click here. |
![]() I am very pleased to inform that all copies of my recent publication (Metaphors and Social Identity Formation in Paul's Letters to the Corinthians) that are in my stock have all been sold. I would like to thank everyone in Malaysia for your continuous support for my work and ministry. For those who are still interested to purchase the book, please click here for options of how to order the book. I will not be holding anymore stock in future. My other publication, Jesus the Storyteller: Hearing the Parables Afresh Today, is still available at RM45 per copy. Please get in touch with me if you are keen on purchasing this book. |
AuthorLecturer in New Testament Studies at Seminari Theoloji Malaysia. You can find out more about me by clicking here. BlogMy engagement in conversation with issues, reflections, and concerns related to my vocation as a seminary lecturer and theological education in general. Opinions expressed in this blog are strictly my personal views and do not represent the official position of the seminary Categories
November 2023