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My extended no-pay leave from the seminary has begun, and this gives me a bit of freedom to catch up with some reading. Here is a list of books I will be reading and engaging with in the months to come.
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Authored by Bishop Emeritus Hwa Yung, Dr Lee Soo Tian, Revd Dr Lee Tat Yan & Revd Dr Lim Kar Yong. Published by Faith Books, an imprint of August Publishing Sdn Bhd, Puchong, Malaysia Date of publication: January 2023. 108 pages. This book is available from Canaanland Bookstore. Please click here for ordering information. The Table of Contents can be viewed below: A group of Malaysian scholars currently in Malaysia and other parts of the world come together to contribute to a book project entitled, "From Malaysia to the Ends of the Earth: Southeast Asian and Diasporic Contributions to Biblical and Theological Studies." This volume is edited by my colleague, Elaine Wei-Fun Goh, and others including Kah-Jin Jeffrey Kuan, Jonathan Yun-Ka Tan, and Amos Wai-Ming Yong. This project is now in the final proof reading stage and should be published by Claremont Press in the autumn of 2021. I make a small contribution to this project where I examine Paul's understanding of ethnic relations between Jews and Gentiles gleaned from his letters, and offer some contemporary reflections for nation building in Malaysia.
My essay is entitled, "“For All of You Are One in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3:28): Paul’s Social Vision Beyond Inclusivity and Diversity", in pages 83-116. This bulk of the essay was written when I was on sabbatical in the second half of 2019. In light of the current political climate and the COVID-19 pandemic, I have made further reflections on what I have written. Perhaps a short follow-up piece might be needed. I look forward to seeing this significant project in print soon.
Writing this devotional booklet has a profound impact on me. I share about this at the conclusion:
May this devotional be a helpful tool for you as you prepare for the Holy Week.
"Following Jesus to the Cross" is now available from Our Daily Bread. This illustrated guide with 12 devotionals for Easter will guide our reflections on the passion, crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus this Easter season. Based on the Gospel of Mark, each reading contains reflection questions and prayers to commit ourselves to God. Evoke our senses with photographs of the sites where the events of the final week are believed to have taken place, and let this devotional make the Scripture come alive for us in fresh ways. A sample chapter of this booklet is extracted below. If you or your church would like to have copies of this devotional booklet, please contact Our Daily Bread Malaysia.
Finally, Porter believes that my book "will undoubtedly provoke further investigation of metaphor use in identity formation in the Corinthian correspondence and elsewhere. This work is a valuable resource for anyone considering the social-scientific analysis of metaphors and their use in the Corinthian correspondence." Overall, the review by Porter on my work is generous and encouraging, his critique on the weaknesses of the book is fair and courteous, and his comment on my methodological framework for analysis on metaphor is positive and welcoming. Please click on the file below to read the review. ![]()
![]() I am very pleased to inform that all copies of my recent publication (Metaphors and Social Identity Formation in Paul's Letters to the Corinthians) that are in my stock have all been sold. I would like to thank everyone in Malaysia for your continuous support for my work and ministry. For those who are still interested to purchase the book, please click here for options of how to order the book. I will not be holding anymore stock in future. My other publication, Jesus the Storyteller: Hearing the Parables Afresh Today, is still available at RM45 per copy. Please get in touch with me if you are keen on purchasing this book. For the month of October, Logos Software is having a very good sale on selected reference works published by Yale. In addition, the free book of the month on offer is the commentary on Romans in the Anchor Yale series by Joseph Fitzymer, with options to purchase a couple more commentaries on Habakkuk (by Francis I. Andersen) and Galatians (by J. Louis Martyn) at additional cost of US$2.99 - this is a real deal! Resources on sale include: 1) The entire Anchor Yale Bible Commentary set - you may choose to purchase the entire OT and NT series, or opt for either OT or NT set. 2) Selected works on Jonathan Edwards 3) Anchor Yale Bible Reference Library 4) Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary 5) and others. Now is a good time to build your digital library, if fund permits of course. The cover design for my upcoming publication has been finalised by the publisher, Pickwick Publications. The book, Metaphors and Social Identity Formation in Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians, is due to be published in the middle of the year. I will provide further details of the book in the weeks to come.
I am very pleased that I am able to use a photograph that I took when I visited ancient Corinth in 2015 for the cover. Special thanks to Brian Tucker, Kathy Ehrensperger, and Bill Campbell for the blurbs. |
AuthorLecturer in New Testament Studies at Seminari Theoloji Malaysia. You can find out more about me by clicking here. BlogMy engagement in conversation with issues, reflections, and concerns related to my vocation as a seminary lecturer and theological education in general. Opinions expressed in this blog are strictly my personal views and do not represent the official position of the seminary Categories
November 2023